The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the state of Florida have expanded COVID 19 vaccine availability to certain High Risk adolescent individuals 16 years of age and older.
In our continuing efforts to keep our patients safe during this pandemic, upon request we will complete the necessary form for all children that meet the criteria so that they may receive the vaccine when and if it is available.
This ONLY applies to the Pfizer vaccine* at present. It is the only company with a COVID-19 vaccine approved for ages 16 and up by the FDA. Other companies are petitioning for inclusion but are not covered by this new recommendation.
Weiss Pediatric Care adhere closely to the definition of High Risk as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control. The conditions that are accepted as fulfilling the approval for Pfizer COVID 19 SARS Vaccine are as follows:
- Chronic lung disease/Asthmatic bronchitis as defined by a diagnosis of Moderate to Severe Persistent Asthma. This does not include Mild Persistent or Mild Intermittent Asthma at this time. Children must be current on their required quarterly Asthma maintenance visits which include review and update of their Asthma Care Plan and confirmation of their current specific diagnosis. Those that are not followed and treated by Weiss Pediatric Care should either request the required form from their Asthma/Allergy care provider or contact our office to schedule an Asthma Care Review visit before a permission form can be completed.
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Severe Heart Disease currently being managed by Pediatric Cardiology
- Combined Immune Deficiency Disorder or current medical treatments that might impair the immune system such as Cancer treatment
- Severe Obesity (BMI >40), not including the diagnosis of “Overweight”
- Kidney or Liver disease (not including Urinary Tract Infections)
- Essential Hypertension (currently managed in consultation with Cardiology)
These rigid criteria are due to the lack of significant safety data to allow the blanket approval for all children that will hopefully come prior to next school year (2021-2022). This is an emergency approval granted by the FDA and approved by the CDC and AAP at this time.
Weiss Pediatric Care will update this guidance as new information is made available by CDC, FDA, and the AAP.