I heard on the news today that the 2015-2016 flu season is off to a slow start, and by our count at Weiss Pediatric Care, that seems to be true.

According to the Center for Disease Control, the timing of flu is very unpredictable and can vary in different parts of the country and from season to season. However, seasonal flu activity can begin as early as October and continue to occur as late as May. Flu activity most commonly peaks in the U.S. between December and February.

So for Sarasota, it seems the worst of flu season may be yet to come. The good news is that it’s not too late to get a flu vaccine. Be sure to call the office to schedule a flu vaccination for your child, and consider getting one for yourself too.

At the very least Influenza (aka “the flu”) can lead to days missed from school or work.  At its worst, flu can lead to pneumonia, and make existing medical conditions worse.  It can cause diarrhea and seizures in children.  In fact, each year thousands of people in the United States die from flu, and many more are hospitalized.

If you’re wondering if your child has the flu or what you can do to help with all those yucky symptoms that accompany flu, you’ll want to read the best-of-the-best advice on our Is Your Child Sick? symptom checker found on our home page. Just click on “flu” in the drop down menu to learn about signs and symptoms, how you can treat at home, and when to call the doctor or seek emergency care.  And of course, if you have questions or concerns, please give us a call for advice or to schedule an appointment.