Picture this recent scene at our office.
Each wrapped in a blanket.
Both shivering with fevers, and coughing and sneezing.
Both carrying buckets (they’ve been vomiting and are on the verge again).
Both pale.
One crying quietly.
One curled up on an exam table too sick to sit.
Both have the flu.
Neither had flu vaccinations. Because they said they didn’t want a shot. Both said they want to get the vaccine now.
And so it begins. These two school-aged children will likely miss a couple of weeks of school and will feel miserable for a good deal of that time. They will fall behind in their school work and their parents will miss work to care for them. We can treat the symptoms and, if their symptoms onset within the past 48 hours, they may be candidates for Tamiflu which may reduce the effects and duration of the illness by one or two days.
This is the best case scenario.
For children under two, children with asthma, diabetes, and other medical conditions, the flu can pose an even greater risk than missed school and days of feeling miserable. It can trigger pneumonia and other related complications, and even lead to hospitalization. Even healthy children are at risk.
The flu season has arrived in Sarasota and based on what has been reported from the other side of the globe where winter has come and gone and along with it, their flu season, this is expected to be an especially bad year for flu in this country.
As the two children pulled their blankets around them and left the office, buckets in hand, we have a renewed commitment to ensure that all of our patients have the opportunity to be protected from this very contagious virus with potentially serious consequences.
According to the Center for Disease Control, getting vaccinated against the flu is the single best way to help protect children from the flu and its complications.
If you are hesitant to get your child vaccinated against the flu because you have questions, please call so we can answer them for you.
- We’re now scheduling appointments for our Saturday flu clinics on October 22 and November 5 from 8:30 am – 11:45 am.
- Flu immunizations are also available at well visits.
- Spots are filling fast so be sure to stop by the front desk to reserve an appointment for your child today! Or give us a call at 941-552-8341.