It’s Labor Day and Weiss Pediatric Care is celebrating again…this time we’re wishing our nurse extraordinaire, Jenny, a happy, happy birthday.
If you haven’t met Jenny yet then you and your children are in for a treat. Her smile is contagious (just the kind of thing we hope everyone will catch!). Her love for children is evident in all of her interactions. Her compassion and concern make her the kind and caring nurse everyone deserves.
I met Jenny for the first time at my temporary “office” – Starbucks – while we were waiting for our beautiful new medical home to be completed. It was a gorgeous spring afternoon, made all the more sunny by Jenny’s enthusiasm and effervescence.
I remember calling Dr. Weiss from Starbucks to tell him he had to meet Jenny right away. I was certain that I had just met the final member of Weiss Pediatric Care’s founding team.
And so today we celebrate. That Jenny found us and that we found her. Please join our team in wishing Jenny a happy Labor Day birthday.