Diane Weiss
Last month I received the Lawton Chiles Award. It was a bittersweet day for me. I was humbled, and proud, and overwhelmed. And I was filled with sadness. What I would have given to have had my beloved father standing with me as I became a fellow recipient of this esteemed award.
Honors like this one are most meaningful when shared with friends and families, so today I’d like to share it with you, our Weiss Pediatric Care family. If you’d like to read about the award, here is a link to the full press release: http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20131107/ARTICLE/131109725/-1/news?Title=Sarasota-child-specialist-given-Lawton-Chiles-Award. And to learn about the good work of the Healthy Start Coalition, please check out their website at www.healthystartsarasota.org/