For many of us, the New Year is the perfect time to take stock of our lives, celebrate new beginnings and make a commitment for positive change. Whether it’s improving our diet, starting a new exercise routine or spending more quality time with our children, there’s always room for improvement in the coming year.
But parents are not the only ones who can benefit by making New Year’s resolutions; our children can learn a lot too … about self-discipline, creating good habits and the value of setting goals.
Making resolutions with our children can be fun and exciting, a time for growth and change, and an opportunity for family bonding. One of the best ways to teach your children the importance of New Year’s resolutions is by making it part of a family tradition. Gather the family each December and reflect on the family goals and accomplishments the past year, and talk about what commitments you and your children can make, as individuals and as a family, to enhance your lives next year.
We’d love to hear what resolutions you and your children are making to ring in the New Year. Please email your resolutions to
If you need some ideas, the American Academy of Pediatrics offers plenty of age-appropriate New Year’s Resolutions for Kids that build skills and habits that will serve them well into adulthood.
We wish you a safe, happy and healthy New Year!
Dr. Rob & Diane Weiss, and The Weiss Pediatric Care Team