Flu shipments were delayed this year because the FDA and World Health Organization took an extra month to formulate the vaccine.  They wanted to take advantage of information gained when last year’s flu season peaked for a second time in February/March with a mutated...

Opting For The Flu – Food for thought

You buckle your child up every time you get into the car even though you’ve never had an accident.  Why? Because you know that even if you’ve never had an accident, car restraints are the best way to keep your child safe. Sometimes seat belts may actually cause an...

Back to School: Time to Protect Your Kids Against The Flu

When our children were in preschool, it seemed like they had runny noses from October through April.  I’m sure that wasn’t the case, but until children can blow their own noses…well you know what that’s like!  There was always a yucky nose that needed tending. Now...

Flu Vaccine: Is it too late?

Want to know what’s keeping us in the office from sun up until well after sundown these days” Many, many (I mean MANY!!!) sick children with flu like symptoms. Some have fever.  Others are coughing and sneezing.  Still others are vomiting and have...

Your Top Flu Questions Answered

It seems that every few days, news sources like Good Morning America and others are reporting on the prevalence and severity of this year’s flu. Information and misinformation abound about whether you and your children should get the flu vaccine, and what to do if you...