Years ago when our youngest son was just two, I remember being really sick. I remember because we had plans to meet family for a much anticipated Disney World vacation with all of our children, but I couldn’t go. I stayed home with our two year old, while Dr. Rob and our other two boys had a great Disney getaway.
When my doctor told me that I had the flu, I told him that clearly he didn’t understand how sick I was feeling. I ached. I couldn’t keep my eyes open because I was so tired. I had a fever and chills. I certainly couldn’t take care of my children. I had to go to bed and have someone take care of me!
How could that be the flu? I had been using the term “flu” to describe whatever illness I had gotten before that. When I had a tummy troubles, I’d say I had stomach flu. When I had a runny nose and was achy, I had a respiratory flu. Turns out that I was way off base.
What I learned those many years ago was that the flu (a.k.a. Influenza) is serious. At the very least it can lead to days missed from work or school. At its worst, flu can lead to pneumonia, and make existing medical conditions worse. It can cause diarrhea and seizures in children. In fact, each year thousands of people in the United States die from flu, and many more are hospitalized.
Flu vaccine is the best protection we have from the flu and its complications. Flu vaccine also helps prevent spreading flu from person to person.
According to Dr. Michael Brady, Chairman of the Committee on Infectious Diseases for the American Academy of Pediatrics, “With the exception of children less than 6 months of age, everybody should go out and get their influenza vaccine as soon as the influenza vaccines are available.”
Weiss Pediatric Care now has influenza vaccine available! We are currently offering flu vaccine to all patients at scheduled well visits, and because we know that healthy parents are able to care for their children, we’re also offering flu vaccinations for our parents for a $35 fee.
We are also pleased to announce that we are also scheduling patients for our Saturday flu clinics. The initial flu clinics will be held on Saturday, September 28th and Saturday, October 12th from 8:00 – 11:45 a.m.
Dr. Weiss reminds us that it takes two weeks for protection to develop after the vaccination. So please call our office today at 941-552-8341 to make an appointment for children and for parents too!
Here’s to a safe and healthy flu season!