Flu Vaccine: Is it too late?

Want to know what’s keeping us in the office from sun up until well after sundown these days” Many, many (I mean MANY!!!) sick children with flu like symptoms. Some have fever.  Others are coughing and sneezing.  Still others are vomiting and have...

FEVER…a holiday super hero!

  There’s nothing like the holidays to create a perfect incubator for germs.  And nothing like the holidays to create a hero out of a common childhood symptom. We gather together in groups to celebrate with people who may have come from as far away as...

What Makes Weiss Pediatric Care Unique?

Meet Elliot, PhD. (Pretty Hypoallergenic Dog), a special member of the Weiss Pediatric Care Team offering a unique service for little kids, big kids, and parents too. Although originally from Kentucky, Elliot has been a member of the Sarasota community for most of his...

Influenza – A tale of two siblings

Picture this recent scene at our office. Siblings. Each wrapped in a blanket. Both shivering with fevers, and coughing and sneezing. Both carrying buckets (they’ve been vomiting and are on the verge again). Both pale. One crying quietly. One curled up on an exam...

Doc Good Morning Walk-In Hour

Monday-Friday from 8:00-8:45am Walk-In visits are for established patients older than 4 months with issues that came up overnight or in the past 2 days and that can be addressed quickly during these mini-appointments like: ear aches… or sore throats…     ...