Antibiotics and Kids: Beware

Antibiotics and Kids: Beware

Antibiotics and Kids: Beware Is your child in need of antibiotics? Know the risks of overuse and how to ensure their necessity. As a parent, it’s natural to want the best for your child’s health. But when it comes to antibiotics, caution is key. While...


Fevers are common in children, but for a newborn baby, a fever can be a sign of a serious infection. A fever over 100.4 Fahrenheit in a baby under 2 months old is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate attention. That’s why it is so important to get an...

Fever – A Hot Topic

We’ve probably all been there at some point (or we will in the future!).  Our child wakes up crying in the night.  You go in and put a hand on her head to find her “burning up” with red tearstained cheeks.  In a groggy instant you ask yourself… Where’s my...

Flu Clinic 2022 – FAQ’s

Life is busy.  We all have so much on our plates.  Take flu out of this fall’s health equation by making sure you and your children get a flu shot.   The schedule is quickly filling up for our Saturday October 22 and Saturday November 4 flu clinics.  Call today...

Texting While Parenting

You see it happening all the time – a parent steps away for a moment to take a quick call, return a friend’s text, double check a fact or piece of trivia online – all just a glance and finger swipe away. No one disagrees that texting while driving can have deadly...